All Marshall athletes are expected to have at least a B average in every class. If an athlete's average falls below a B, academic progress will be monitored in that class. If an athlete's average drops below a C average, athletes will be put on an academic contract.
Athletes have TWO allowed absences from practice for tutoring. All other tutoring sessions need to be scheduled outside of practice time. Teachers have tutoring hours posted on their doors. Arrangements or appointments can be made.
If athletes need more than the allowed tutoring absences, a parent conference will be scheduled to discuss whether or not continued participation in the aquatics program is in the athlete's best interest.
Athletes are ineligible when they fail a class for the nine weeks.
There is an eligibility check in the sixth week of the 1st nine weeks. Athletes who are not passing at this time will lose eligibility.
Athletes may regain eligibility at the next eligibility check.
A parent conference will be scheduled and an academic contract will be in place. Failure to adhere to the contract and/or two nine weeks of ineligibility will result in removal from team.
Ineligible athletes are not allowed to attend games or meets with the team. They must sit in the stands as a spectator at water polo games. They will be expected to volunteer as timers at swim meets.